Category: Famous Exoplanets

Kepler-283 c

Kepler-283 c is located 1741.0 light-years (534 parsecs) from our solar system and was discovered in 2014 orbiting it’s host star Kepler-283. The apparent magnitude of the host star is 13.9 and the absolute magnitude is 5.3. Kepler-283 is about 0.8 the mass of our sun and has about 0.6 the radius. Its surface temperature is 4351 K and is a spectral K5 type star. The planet Kepler-283 c orbits the star every 92.7days, it’s orbital radius is 0.34 SEAU. 

According to an announcement from NASA, this planet is located in the habitable zone. ExoKyoto has come up with the same conclusion. Kepler-283 c is the only habitable planet in which superflares from the host star (Kepler-283) were observed during observation with the Kepler Space Telescope. Based on this, the estimated radiation exposure dose was calculated for various cases, taking into account the frequency of flares, but the doses were level and none caused problems (Yamashiki et al. 2019 ApJ).

A second planet, Kepler-283 b, has also been found in the Kepler-283 solar system, which is a Hot Jupiter located inside the habitable zone.

For more information on Kepler-283 c, please visit the ExoKyoto database page below.


HATS-41b is an exoplanet of great interest to the scientific community. It is only 33 percent larger than Jupiter, but nearly 10 times more massive than the largest planet in our solar system. According to researchers, it is one of the most massive “Hot Jupiters” found to date. It also orbits the highest metallicity star that has been found to host a transiting planet. HATS-41b has an orbital period of 4.19 days, is located about 0.06 AU from its host star, and has an equilibrium temperature of 1,710 K.

The host star HATS-41 has an apparent magnitude of 17.7, with an absolute magnitude of 8.18. It is 1.50 times more massive and 1.71 times larger than our sun. The surface temperature is 6424 K and its spectral type is F7. In this planetary system, the extrasolar planet HATS-41 b orbits around the star HATS-41 with its orbital distance of around 0.0583.

Journal Articles

1.) HATS-39b, HATS-40b, HATS-41b, and HATS-42b: three inflated hot Jupiters and a super-Jupiter transiting F stars

WEB Articles

1.) Four new ‘hot Jupiter’ exoplanets discovered

Kepler-440 b

Kepler-440 b is located 851.3 light-years (261 parsecs) from our solar system and was discovered in 2015 orbiting its host star Kepler-440. The apparent magnitude of the host star is 15.5 and the absolute magnitude is 8.4. Kepler-440 is about 0.6 the mass of our sun and has about 0.6 the radius. Its surface temperature is 4134 K and is a spectral K6 type star. The planet Kepler-440 b orbits the star every 101.1 days, it’s orbital radius is 0.24 SEAU.

Kepler-1638 b

Kepler-1638 b is one of 1,284 exoplanets discovered (2016) by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, which looks for exoplanets using the transit method. This method also estimates the size of the exoplanet when it is discovered (for more information on the transit method -> Kepler-1638 b has a radius 1.87 times that of the Earth (Molton et al. 2016) and the orbital length radius (distance from the host star, Kepler-1638) of the planet Kepler-1638 b is about 0.745 AU (Torres et al. 2016). This led to the thought that Kepler-1638 b could be a planet very similar to Earth when focusing on the size and orbital length radius.

The host star, Kepler-1638, is also considered to be similar to our Sun. Its radius is 0.95 times larger than the Sun, its mass is 0.97 times greater, and its temperature is 5,710 K, almost the same as the surface of the Sun (5,772 K.) Does Kepler-1638 have an atmosphere or a magnetic field? Could Kepler-1638 b be an Earth-like planet and have the possibility of sustaining life?

For more information about Kepler-1638 b, please visit the ExoKyoto Database:


GJ 163 c is located 48.9 light-years (15.0 parsecs) from our solar system and was discovered in 2012 orbiting its host star GJ 163. The apparent magnitude of the host star is 11.8 and the absolute magnitude is 10.9. GJ 163  is about 0.4 the mass of our sun and has about 0.4 the radius. Its surface temperature is 3500 K and is a spectral M3.5 type star. The planet GJ 163 c orbits the star every 25.6 days, it’s orbital radius is 0.13 SEAU.

For more information about GJ 163 c, please visit the ExoKyoto database: