Imaginary Picture of Kepler-144 c

Display orbital revolution of Kepler-144 c around the hoststar Kepler-144
Exoplanet Name : Kepler-144 c
Alternate Name : "2MASS J18473976+4246318 c, K00369.02, KIC 7175184 c, KOI-369 c, KOI-369.02, WISE J184739.75+424632.0 c"
Status : Confirmed
Radius (Rjup / Re): 0.1200 (Rjup) 1.3451 (Rearth)
Mass (Mjup / Me): 0.0090 (Mjup) 2.8559 (Mearth)
Semi Major Axis / Orbital Distance Calculated 0.0940 (AU) 0.0940 (AU Est.)
Eccentricity : 0.0000
Orbital Period(Yrs) 0.0277
Orbital Period(Observed/Estimated) 10.10 (Days Obs.) 10.37 (Days Est.)
Surface Gravity (G Earth) 1.5785
Star Radiation at Atmospheric Boundary: 281290.9 (W/m2)
Measured Temperature (K) 0.0 (K)
Blackbody T 0.1(K) 1027.9 (K)
Blackbody T 0.3(K) 965.3 (K)
Blackbody T 0.7(K) 781.0 (K)
Tidally Locked Blackbody T 0.1(K) 1222.3 (K)
Tidally Locked Blackbody T 0.3(K) 1147.9 (K)
Size Class: super-Earth-size
Mass Class:
Detection Type : Primary Transit
Mass Detection :
Radius Detection :
Habitability by Solar Eq. Astronomical Unit: Not habitable
Habitability by Kopparapu: Not habitable
Star Name : Kepler-144
Alternate Name : "2MASS J18473976+4246318, KIC 7175184, KOI-369, WISE J184739.75+424632.0"
Star Distance(LY) : 1411.9
Stellar Radius(Rsun) : 1.2 (Rsun Measured)
Stellar Mass(Msun) : 1.0 (Msun Measured) 1.1 (Msun Estimated)
Star Age : 0.0 (GY)
Temperature : 6182 (K)
Spectral type : G0
UV portion[%]: 0.3
Visible portion[%]: 1.5
IR portion[%]: 98.2
Metalicity : -0.3
Absolute Magnitude: 2.9
Apparent Magnitude: 11.1
Right Ascension(RA) 281.9157
Declination (DEC) 42.7755
Hubble Space Telescope Guide Star Catalog (GSC) ID
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Kepler-144 c
Kepler-144 c

  • Kepler-144 c is an exoplanet orbiting the star Kepler-144, located about 1411.9 light-years (432.9 pc) away from Solar System. Its discovery was publicly announced on 2014.
  • The host star Kepler-144 has apparent magnitude of 11.1, with absolute magnitude of 2.9.
  • It is 1.0 times more massive and 1.2 times bigger compared with our Sun. The surface temperature is 6182 with its spectral types of G0
  • In this planetary system, the extrasolar planet Kepler-144 c orbits around the star Kepler-144 every 10.1 days with its orbital distance of 0.09 AU ( 14062199.8 km)
  • (Projected orbit of Kepler-144 c around its host star Kepler-144)

  • The Star Kepler-144 's habitable zone is located at the following distance
  • Inner Boundary (the orbital distance at Venus's Equivalent Radiation ) : 0.975 AU ( 145902053.5 km)
  • Earth Boundary (the orbital distance at Earth's Equivalent Radiation) : 1.348 AU ( 201674766.7 km)
  • Outer Boundary (the orbital distance at Mars's Equivalent Radiation) : 2.054 AU ( 307307713.9 km)
  • Snow Line (the orbital distance at Snow Line Equivalent Radiation) : 3.023 AU ( 452216763.3 km)
  • Radiation at Planetary Boundary of Kepler-144 c : 281290.90 W/m2

    (Habitable zone calculated based on SEAU(Solar Equivalent Astronomical Unit) around the star Kepler-144)

  • Kopparapu Recent Venus for Star Kepler-144 distance : 0.986 AU
  • Kopparapu Runaway Greenhouse for Earth-sized planet for Star Kepler-144 distance : 1.249 AU
  • Kopparapu Runaway Greenhouse for Super-Earth-sized planet for Star Kepler-144 distance : 1.206 AU
  • Kopparapu Runaway Greenhouse for Mars-sized planet for Star Kepler-144 distance : 1.322 AU
  • Kopparapu Outer Boundary for Maximum Greenhouse for Star Kepler-144 distance : 2.185 AU
  • Kopparapu Outer Boundary for Early Mars for Star Kepler-144 distance : 2.305 AU

    (Habitable zone calculated based on Kopparapu et al.(2013) around the star Kepler-144)

  • Original Kopparapu Recent Venus for Star Kepler-144 distance : 0.996 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Runaway Greenhouse for Star Kepler-144 distance : 1.282 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Moist Greenhouse for Star Kepler-144 distance : 1.318 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Outer Boundary for Maximum Greenhouse for Star Kepler-144 distance : 2.224 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Outer Boundary for Early Mars for Star Kepler-144 distance : 2.313 AU

    (Habitable zone calculated based on Kopparapu et al.(Original) around the star Kepler-144)

    (Position in Stellar Map of star Kepler-144 and its Exoplanet Kepler-144 c)

    (Zoomed position in Stellar Map of star Kepler-144 and its Exoplanet Kepler-144 c (zoom level 3))

    (Synthetic Spectrum of star Kepler-144*)
    *Yamashiki YA et al. 2019 ApJ 881 114
    MUSCLES Paper I - France et al. 2016 ApJ 820 89
    MUSCLES Paper II- Youngblood et al. 2016 ApJ 824 101
    MUSCLES Paper III- Loyd et al. 2016 ApJ 824 102