
Display orbital revolution around the star Kepler-1764
Imaginary Picture of Star Kepler-1764
Star Name : Kepler-1764
Alternate Name : "6049190, KOI-1685"
Star Distance (LY/pc): 5030.8911 (LY) 1542.4800 (pc)
Stellar Radius (Rsun): 0.0000 (Rsun, measured) 1.4500 (Rsun, estimated)
Stellar Mass (Msun): 1.1400 (Msun/observed) 1.1400 (Msun/estimated)
Spectral type : F9/G0IV-V
Metalicity : 0.0113
Absolute Magnitude : 3.97
Apparent Magnitude : 14.91
Right Ascension(RA) : 293.87988
Declination(DEC) : 41.39382
  • This is the Kepler-1764 . The star Kepler-1764 islocated about 5030.9 light-years (1542.5 pc) away from our Solar System.
  • The star Kepler-1764 has apparent magnitude of 14.9, with absolute magnitude of 4.0.
  • It is 1.1 times more massive and 1.4 times bigger compared with our Sun. The surface temperature is 6085 with its spectral types of F9/G0IV-V
  • Number of Extrasolar Planets : 1
  • Name of the 1 Planet Kepler-1764 b radius 0.406370 mass 0.069165 orbital distance 0.000000
    (Illustration of the Kepler-1764's Planetary System)

    The Star Kepler-1764 's habitable zone is located at the following distance

    Inner Boundary (the orbital distance at Venus's Equivalent Radiation ) : 1.163 AU ( 173999211.3 km)
    Earth Boundary (the orbital distance at Earth's Equivalent Radiation) : 1.608 AU ( 240512381.5 km)
    Outer Boundary (the orbital distance at Mars's Equivalent Radiation) : 2.450 AU ( 366487644.1 km)
    Snow Line (the orbital distance at Snow Line Equivalent Radiation) : 3.605 AU ( 539302623.1 km)
    (Habitable zone calculated based on SEAU(Solar Equivalent Astronomical Unit) around the star Kepler-1764)

    Kopparapu's Recent Venus for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 1.183 AU
    Kopparapu's Runaway Greenhouse for Earth-sized planet for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 1.498 AU
    Kopparapu's Runaway Greenhouse for Super-Earth-sized planet for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 1.447 AU
    Kopparapu's Runaway Greenhouse for Mars-sized planet for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 1.586 AU
    Kopparapu's Outer Boundary for Maximum Greenhouse for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 2.627 AU
    Kopparapu's Outer Boundary for Early Mars for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 2.770 AU
    (Habitable zone calculated based on Kopparapu et al.(2013) around the star Kepler-1764)

  • Original Kopparapu Recent Venus for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 1.192 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Runaway Greenhouse for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 1.538 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Moist Greenhouse for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 1.578 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Outer Boundary for Maximum Greenhouse for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 2.673 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Outer Boundary for Early Mars for Star Kepler-1764 distance : 2.780 AU

    (Habitable zone calculated based on Kopparapu et al.(Original) around the star Kepler-1764)

    (Position in Stellar Map of star Kepler-1764 )

    (Zoomed position in Stellar Map of star Kepler-1764 (zoom level 3))

    (Synthetic Spectrum of star Kepler-696*)
    *Yamashiki YA et al. 2019 ApJ 881 114
    MUSCLES Paper I - France et al. 2016 ApJ 820 89
    MUSCLES Paper II- Youngblood et al. 2016 ApJ 824 101
    MUSCLES Paper III- Loyd et al. 2016 ApJ 824 102